Friday, March 25, 2022


 When you see the word lifestyle,what comes in your mind, especially considering the world we are living in today and the generation where by everything is digital?.Our today's lifestyle has really changed comparing with the african lifestyle which is why am here to tell you about it and before you finish reading,trust you me,you'll love it. Everything has been digitalised.If you look back,how our ancestors or our grandparents not to confuse your mind,how they used to live,their lives were healthy,jovial and just one of kind full of peace that most of us are lucking today.When i speak of healthy,am talking about the modern ways of the foods they used to eat.Yams, cassava,sweet potatoes,vegetables and a lot of natural foods were their foods which made them live healthy and live longer actually.Unlike today, the life of the city has complicated people's lives with junkies.

Our people are dying young due to unhealthy foods cause the modern way is considered analog. But, lets not focus much on the negative side,cause am pretty certain we can still bring the culture back.There is the positive side of the story which brings us here today and that is the most loved African culture despite everything.

They say you can take a monkey out of the forest,but you can not take the forest of out of the monkey and of course the same goes to the Africans, that no matter how run away from your culture,your are the culture and its in you.Africans we have traditions that other parts of the world don't and one of it is our lifestyle which is very,very unique and one of a kind.Our lifesytle includes us as africans,how we dress,our music,our foods and nature of kindness.

Let me take you a little back to reality,when you look around all you see is smart digitalised equipments right?.Which today has led so many fall into depression cause we trying to fit in,live a life thats not ours,floss and flex over what we don't even have, unlike way back before all this,life was simple and full of happiness, full of life.In general what am i trying to say,we have our most loved lifestyle that we used to live and we should go back to it.A life that was simple and connected to our true self.A life that connected us to true destiny of our lives as africans cause thats what the whites admire that they don't or couldn't have.Lets go back to our true and most loved lifestyle.You see it in kids when you take them to the village,how they relate with nature, the elderly and animals as well cause thats the true african most loved lifestyle whether you agree or denY

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